I didn't exactly post an update last week, but I did post so that ought to count for something. This week has been better.
General Updates
I did not get the photography job, which I'm bummed about. It would have been a great job for me, but oh well onto the next thing. The next thing might just be freelance writing, which does not pay much in the beginning so I still need to find another job.
I finished the Color Block Cowl by Joji Locatelli. The colored sections went by so much faster because they didn't have any garter stitch. I can't do endless garter stitch, it's just too boring for me.

I have gone back to working on my Rainbow Alpaca Blanket. It's been in time out for a while because I started the green stripe with the wrong size needles, and the orange stripe just did not want to cooperate. The green has been frogged and restarted. It is now farther along than it was before which is nice. The orange I have not frogged yet but I'm going to once I'm ready to work on that stripe.
The weekend before last, I went to the Montpelier Fiber Fest. It was a lot of fun, even though it was hot. I got some pictures of animals.
I made fudge brownies, from a box, but still. They aren't as good as the secret recipe brownies, but they're nice. They were slightly under baked, so they're super soft, which I love in my baked goods.
Mr. Kitty's Adventures
Mr. Kitty has decided that the dining room table is his now. He loves to sprawl about on it when no one is around and he has no issue with jumping up on it when we're eating dinner. This was a problem last weekend because we were trying to do a puzzle on it. When I first took the puzzle out, he tried to eat a few of the pieces. Once he determined they weren't edible, he made a mess of them whenever he could. We ultimately had to restart the puzzle on the folding table in the living room and with the help of my brother and his girlfriend we finished the puzzle in one night.
I cannot claim that Mr. Kitty is good about not getting on the kitchen counters any more. It seems he is just sneakier than the other cats. I caught him sneaking across the counter last week, and he seemed so confused when I made him get off. He is fairly good about not eating people food though, at least I haven't caught him eating anything he shouldn't be eating. He could just be a super sneaky naughty cat.
Mental Health
Things are getting better, slowly. I still have a lot of trouble with mornings, especially since my dad is on vacation this week and tries to get me up by a reasonable time every morning.
Not getting the photography job made things pretty hard for a few days. I just did not want to do anything and was very easily frustrated, especially with looking for a new job.
I may have figured out a possible career though. I think I'd like to be a Peer Support Specialist. I want to help people with mental illnesses and I want something good to come from my various hospital stays and general struggle. I think that with training I could be a good help for other people. With my freelance writing, I've decided that I want to focus on mental health because I want to help people like me.
That's been the last two weeks. Hopefully everything will continue to get better next week. I will talk to you all again then.