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Things are going ok

Writer's picture: Gwen MatthewsGwen Matthews

General Updates (which are mostly job updates, let's be honest)

This week, I applied and interviewed for a craft store job. I found out this morning that I didn't get it. I am really frustrated. I keep trying and thinking I'm doing pretty well, and then I don't get it. The more I look for jobs, the less I seem to find things that would work for me and that I'm qualified for. I don't know how I'm supposed to find a job.


I have been a monogamous knitter lately. I am working exclusively on my Rainbow Alpaca Blanket. I am halfway through the green stripe. Once I finish it, I will sew it to the other stripes I have finished. I will then have a halfway done blanket. I have not been knitting on anything else.


I wrote an essay (I didn't call it a thing, Mom) for Mental Health Talk. It is about what happened after I tried to kill myself. It's very personal, and it's not a story I have told many people. I decided to share it online because it's something that really needs to be talked about. You can find the essay here.

Mr. Kitty's Adventures

Only a day or two after I posted about Mr. Kitty not eating people food, like a good cat, I caught him on the counter eating pasta out of a pot. I haven't caught him eating anything else that he wasn't supposed to, but now I know that he isn't as good a kitty as he pretends to be.

His love of the dining room table has shown itself in an annoying way. During our family dinners, when my brother and his girlfriend come over, Mr. Kitty attempts to jump up on the table. It is very frustrating because someone has to get him off the table and take him out of the dining room.

Mr. Kitty is also not being such a cuddle bug anymore. If I'm in bed when he wants to snuggle, he will come in and snuggle, but he isn't as willing to snuggle when I want to snuggle. He still loves to sleep on my bed during the day though.

Mental Health

Things are still getting better. Most of the time, I'm feeling pretty good. Today not so much because of not getting the job. I'm still getting stuff done mostly. Feeding the cats is hard because it's not just Mr. Kitty. It's him, Snowball, Purrwyn, Smudge (who is an indoor cat right now, and does not like it), Sir Buffington, and sometimes Maize. They are demanding. They want their food and they want it now. Sir Buffington even tries to grab the plate from my hand with his claws. Most things I can do, it's just the things that involve a lot of steps, or just feel overwhelming.

That's all for this week. Next Friday is the day before my birthday, so yay. I might add a special birthday section, maybe. I might just have a special post on Saturday. I haven't decided yet, but I'll talk to you then.


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