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  • Writer's pictureGwen Matthews

Back from New York, Yay

New York was not so great. I ended up very frustrated with the differences between what we said we would do and what we actually ended up doing. It's not even that I particularly wanted to do all the stuff we said we would. I just need some level of consistency; I need to know what to expect, and not very much of what I expected actually happened.

In other news, after some talking, boyfriend is not ready for me to move in in June. That plan is on hold until he is. There is nothing I can do other than try not to be frustrated and wait.

Work is kind of getting annoying. I'm just stuck standing in one place all day. I'm also getting less hours because there aren't as many demos to be done at this point in the year. I'm also annoyed that my normal shift is getting pushed back by forty-five minutes, so I will have less time between getting off and going to bed.

I am trying to get up earlier. 8 am is the hoped for hour. My method of encouragement is to only drink coffee when I actually get up then. It is nice to get up early and go to the gym before work, though I don't know how often I will actually do both those things will happen in the same day.

Speaking of going to the gym, I might get a personal trainer. I know it's expensive, but I need something external to focus and motivate me to actually do what I need to do. There is also the fact that I don't actually know how to exercise. Everything I know about exercising I learned in gym class, and I didn't pay attention. My gym has a free consultation for the personal trainers, so I am going to do that next week.


I have not really done too much knitting. I have succumbed to second sock syndrome, at the gusset of boyfriend's second sock. The yarn for the Find Your Fade shawl, has been washed and it took it's time drying. It did disappear for a brief time thanks to brother. I found it, but I was annoyed. It is now wound, so tomorrow I can continue with the shawl. The sweater is inching along. I am in the sea of stockinette, which is so boring. I haven't touched the Rainbow Alpaca Blanket in a very long time. Technically not true, I did move it from the yarn bowl (that I stole from Mom) so that I could put the sweater ball in it.

There is a knitting book that I really want. It's the newly revised and updated Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book. It has tons of instructions for various techniques like brioche. It even has sections on designing, which I really want to do. I gave boyfriend the money to get it for me (I don't have amazon prime and he does), but he wants to wait for the price to go down. I got pretty aggravated about that. Though I just found it cheaper on Knit Picks. I can't tell him to get it there yet because bugging him about it is my reward for completing my health goals for this week. So I will bug him tomorrow.

Mr. Kitty's Adventures

It did not take Mr. Kitty very long to forgive me for leaving this time. It wasn't immediate, but by bed time he was ready to let me pay attention to him again.

He has been enjoying messing up my computer by laying on the keyboard. He loves that it's on my desk and I open the curtains in the morning and it's so nice and sunny.

He tried to enjoy my desk this evening but since I was winding yarn he had to be moved onto his cat tree. He has been happily curled up there since I put him there.

Mental Health

I have been upset/annoyed with boyfriend, but that is just normal feelings. My last couple days have been pretty good. Getting up at a reasonable time and going to the gym has really been helping me. Possibly the vegetables I've been eating have helped too. Whatever the cause, I'm doing good.

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