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  • Writer's pictureGwen Matthews

Two Weeks and a Cold

AmeriCorps is over. I now have a lot of free time and intend to spend it writing. Mr. Kitty has not been helping with my writing efforts. He's practically been sabotaging them, but I'll get to that in his section. My last days weren't particularly noteworthy. I did take some pictures around the park. It ended not with a bang, it just ended.

I finished the knitting on my So Faded sweater. It fits. It hasn't been blocked yet so it will most likely get bigger.

I ripped out one of the socks and started it over. I finished the toe and realized I had the wrong gauge on the size 2 needles, so I just switched to size 1. I still have the wrong gauge but I think it's closer. I am halfway done with the foot of the first sock. Obviously the aliens are not working out at this gauge but I've done so much work on it I don't want to start over.

The Rainbow Alpaca Blanket has returned. I knit a lot of rows on it last night. It grows pretty quickly.

The prep for the move is inching along. The Boy has moved into his new house, so I can take over his old room for my own temporary writing room. Mom brings up the time I tried to turn her writing room into a yoga studio. She insists that she was using it at the time, but it took her at least a week to realize I'd cleaned it.

I have been voluntold to pack as much stuff up as I can. I'm not entirely sure how she expects to find any of the stuff once I put it in boxes; my method is generally put everything from one area in one box. The problem with that is that everything is everywhere right now.

My closet is so much emptier. Most of the stuff that was in there is now in the storage shed. So is the stuff from the cubby under my desk. My room looks huge now.

I haven't really written much because I have been without the letters "A" and "S." I have been reading about writing. On Writing Well by William Zinsser is a good book. It's about writing nonfiction, and it's actually interesting. I'm almost halfway through it and I've enjoyed it.

Mr. Kitty has been very naughty this week. He decided that rather than use the scratcher I bought for him, he would use my keyboard. He ripped out several keys before I could remove him. When I tried to put the keys back on, he jumped up on the desk and lay on them. I eventually got them reattached but most of the time they don't work. So I had to go out and get a new keyboard. Hopefully this one is a little more cat proof.

This week, I have been doing fairly well. This is my second day without caffeine, and I think I'm doing ok. I've been very tired, but not too grumpy.I've been feeling pretty good emotionally. I'm a bit anxious about starting to actually write for pay, but I'm always anxious about starting something new. I am sure I'll do fine.

I got sick. I have a horrible head cold. All I want to do is curl up in bed. But there is work to do, so I've been switching between doing productive stuff and laying in bed.

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