This post is going to be updated throughout the weekend and will go up while I'm on the train home on Monday.
Well, Boyfriend took pictures and sent them to me, but they do not want to download on the train internet. I've been trying for two hours but it doesn't seem to want to happen. I'm going to publish this now and add the pictures once I get home.
First of all, I'm sick again. I have another head cold. My nose is oozing, and I keep coughing up nasty stuff. Yesterday was hard. I spent most of the day either at the train station or on a train, and my head does not like motion too much. I slept part of the way, and then just listened to Knitting Pearls because the whole weekend is about knitting. The hardest part was finding my way around Penn Station, even though I've done it several times before. My head just did not like it. A good part of the LIRR train ride was spent messaging Boyfriend about my need of tissues and cold medicine while sniffling saddly. He got me Dayquil and Nyquil, which reading the box I couldn't take because it has phenylephrine which could decrease my heart rate. I thought it was the Nyquil that had it, but when I checked the box today, it's the Dayquil. I could have slept better last night, which is disappointing.

Boyfriend has been very generous. I got lots of presents when I got here. As you may remember, Mr. Kitty killed two of the keys on Lappy's keyboard, so boyfriend gave me a chromebook, which I have named Googlette. It is tiny but the whole keyboard works. Since I have anxiety issues with crowds and Rhinebeck is going to be crowded, Boyfriend got me an essential oil necklace and a pack of six different essential oils. This way, I have something to ground with since I forgot my anxiety meds (I know you reminded me to pack them Mom.)
There was another present from when he went to Isreal. It's a glass "cat." I'm going to add a picture of it so you can see why the quotes are intentional. It looks hilariously not cat-like. The glass "cat" is going to stay in New York because I don't want it to get broken in my bag or while moving.
I forgot about the phone that Boyfriend insists I replace my old phone with. It's not a new phone, it is his most recent, not current, phone, I think. Of course Sprint prepaid doesn't like it because it's a Verizon phone, but right now I'm not too enthralled with Sprint prepaid, so I might switch to Verizon. I think it might be about the same price. He even has two extra batteries for the phone, which is good because I don't have the best record with charging devices. Since I couldn't figure out if I'd be able to get the phone set up I left it with Boyfriend.
Today was the first day of the festival. We started in the wine and fancy food vendor building. We did not try any of the wine today, because I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. We are going back to that building first thing tomorrow. Then we wandered to the spit roasted lamb tent to see when it would be ready. We came back later in the day and it was delicious. Then we started wandering the yarn vendors. Boyfriend got two skeins for a scarf in a very pretty blue. I found several nice looking yarns at different booths, but didn't choose one until the second pass. Of course I had to go back to each of the booths before deciding on yarn from the last booth.
The necklace was really helpful when the crowds got too big for me. After lunch, which was a delicious lamb sausage, I changed the scent of the necklace to lemongrass. It's not as strong as the peppermint but I can still smell it pretty well. I like how it has the rhinestones for the chakras.
After getting the yarn and the lamb, we left for the hotel. I don't know why we decided the pool would be a good idea in upstate New York in October, but we did and it was cold even though it was an indoor pool. We skipped the sauna because it was horror movie esque. Over all we enjoyed ourselves at the hotel.
We were back at Rhinebeck bright and early to taste wines. It was frigid. Saturday I was just wearing my sweater dress and leggings and it was nice. Sunday required big heavy jackets and all the knitwear and we were still freezing. The hot mulled wines were delicious though.
Then we wandered back through some of the tents. I didn't really see anything I liked for the body of my Flying Vee, so I started to get frustrated. Boyfriend got me some hot apple cider and we took a break to watch the leaping llamas.
It was not just llamas leaping over the reverse limbo stick. There were also goats and alpacas leaping. My favorite was Sister Mary with her cashmere goat. Her goat was second place for the goats. The final llama got over the second to last rung. The announcer pointed out that the last rung was the same height as the fence posts at her farm, where that llama lives, and should we really be encouraging him to jump that high?
We ended up going back to the cozy colors booth to find the main color yarn for my next sweater. I was torn between midnight blue and Long Island Sound, because I like speckles, but the solid blue would look better. I only had enough in my budget for the midnight blue for the sweater, but Boyfriend ended up getting me a skein of Long Island Sound for me to make matching mitts and a hat out of.
We wandered around a little more and saw some sheep in top hats, so of course i had to get a picture with one of them. We also got a picture of the winners of the leaping llamas. Then we got fallafals for lunch and headed back to Long Island. It took forever to get back to the apartment, partly because Google took us through the Bronx and partly because of traffic outside of New York City.
We tried to go by a brewery to get something for Dad, since his birthday was Saturday, but by the time we got there they had closed. We had a really good weekend.