Stash Dash is not going as expected. I am supposed to be working on the projects that I already had started. Some of them are getting worked on... I added four inches to my costumer friend's first sock. That is not an insignificant amount of progress. I'm at the point where I need to start the toe, as such it's been several days since I touched it. Toes are not difficult, the Kitchner at the end is not difficult, casting on the second sock is not difficult. I just don't want to do it.

The lace Wildflower sock is distinctly less lacey than the pattern says it should be. I finished the first lace repeat an decided that it's going to be stockinette until the leg. I have about a week to finish this and the second sock, I don't have high hopes for it.

I had not cast this on last week. I didn't have the yarn for it either last week. It's Magpie Tendency. It's a crop top so it should be done pretty quickly. It's basically all I've worked on since Friday. I've joined it in the round and decided it's going to be stockinette the rest of the way down. I don't like following patterns apparently. I'm going to try to have it done by Thursday so I can show it off at knit night, but it won't be blocked because I have to get blocking boards.

The Butterfly shawl has seen some progress, between 3 and 5 rows, but still, it's progress. It looks really good, it's just so much counting. The short rows really make it look impressive, especially with the yarn, but they take forever.
Hopefully next week I'll have a finished object.
I have not been getting up at 3:30 this week. I did today because it's Monday, and I'm starting my month of getting up early, but otherwise I've been sleeping in. I've also been pretty grumpy. I don't feel better, or more awake, when I sleep in. One of the problems is that knowing this doesn't make it any easier to get out of bed a good two hours before the sun comes up. If I had anything to do other than sit quietly in the living room and knit, it might be easier. I learned the hard way that I can't stay in my room because I will go back to sleep. I can't watch tv because brother and wife are still asleep, and there isn't anywhere open at 4 am. Even the gym is closed on Sunday morning. I could go there on my other day off. I did that once. It wasn't bad. It just requires knowing that I'm going to do it ahead of time. Going to the gym at 4 am isn't a spur of the moment decision.
I have been told that Mr. Kitty is doing well. His biggest complaint is that when Dad is sitting at the computer, his lap isn't as comfortable. He was happy to sprawl in my lap when I visited yesterday.