It has been a long three weeks without internet. We have been going to fast-food restaurants to get their free wifi. Of course with the dining rooms being closed due to the dread COVID, we've had to sit in the car and hope the signal reaches. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't. That is over now. I did the last thing I should have to do on free wifi today, and that was because I needed a phone signal and wifi at the same time. I have no phone signal at the house. I have a limited amount of roaming minutes per month, so I can get texts and calls, but as much as possible needs to be done over wifi.
I have been making stuff, but my brain is not clear on exactly what I've been doing. I know I finished the yellow socks. Then I reknit the heel on the wild thing sock. I discovered that the wild thing socks are slightly too small. I don't know if I'm going to perform surgery to lengthen them. I would just have to cut off the toes and reknit them a little bit longer.

Sunday, I am going to wash all the knits that have been waiting since before the move. I think I'm up to five pairs of socks in the wash bag since I need to wash the new socks as well. I don't know what else is in there, other than the bag I spilled coffee on. It will be nice to have clean hand-knit socks again.
I've worked a little on the "can't adult" cross-stitch. I finished the first set of roses and started on the leaves for the second set. I have not worked on it too much which is delaying my inappropriate word cross-stitch. I have the chart and everything for it, but I decided to finish "can't adult" before starting it.

I've been doing some sewing. I've made three masks since being without the internet. They have limes and yellow stripes. There are three more with all the pieces cut out. All I have to do is sew them together. I'm using hair ties instead of elastic, which makes them a bit tighter around my ears. That is until the hair ties stretch out.

I have plans for a Delphine skirt by Tilly and the Buttons. It's from the book "Love at First Stitch," like my Margo pajama pants. I love the pajama pants, even though I made the drawstring too short on the second pair. I recently had to replace it with a ribbon. I'm going to add pockets to my skirt, and line it. Neither of those are part of the pattern, but it's for me so I don't have to follow the directions exactly. I have the pattern cut out of the tracing paper, though I still have to iron the fabric before I cut out the pieces.

I have been working on trauma stuff, and it has been hard. I've been writing out the story of what happened before my 20th birthday. I need to add more detail to it but I can't think of what to say. It's like my mind just freezes up when I try to think more about it. The next step is going to be reading the story out loud, which is seeming easier than adding details.
I start classes on Monday! I'm excited but a little bit worried. I haven't been a student for almost five years, and I'm not sure how easily I'm going to readjust to it. Plus everything is online. I do have the option of going to in-person lectures for one of my classes, but I'm probably not going to because it's right between my other online classes. I still have to get a parking pass so I can go to campus for group work. I'm not excited about group work.
My work schedule is all kinds of wonky because of my class schedule. I hope that spending less time at work is going to be good for my mental health. I usually feel worst at work. I don't know how classes are going to affect me. Hopefully, they won't be too stressful.
Mr. Kitty has been trying to be an outdoor cat. Since the front and side yards are fenced in, I've been letting him wander outside, mostly supervised. He does like bolting out the door whenever he gets a chance.

He loves his cat tree being by the window in the creek room. He can just watch the world from a sunny spot.