I wrote most of a post the other morning, and it didn't save it. There's only ten minutes before I have to go to work, so this might not go up until tomorrow evening.
Work has been a bit crazy. The newest person just quit so everybody is working six day weeks. I am once again doing solo shifts, which is a pain, but the other departments have started staying later cuz they have more people. Hopefully they will hire someone soon.
I have not done a ton of making this week.

I made a lot of progress on the Magpie Tendency I started for my friend. I was about 8 rows into the first shoulder when I put it down. As you can see I'm much further now. I am on the body and it's growing pretty quickly when I work on it.
I have been working on one other project, but I don't remember which one it was. Yesterday I picked up the yellow socks again. They've only grown a couple rows. I did crochet a little on the granny stripe blanket. I finished with the gray/gray marling, and am now on gray/alien green marling. I still like the effect, though parts of the blanket are going to be thicker because of it.
Mr. Kitty has been his usual self, loud and meowy. His cat tree had rope wrapped around the base pole. He has started tearing the top section of it off. Once we move, I will possibly get some more rope and a hot glue gun and fix it.
We move in less than a week. Everything about it is stressful. But it will be over soon. We may not have internet for a while at the new house, which will be interesting cuz my phone doesn't work there either. I may end up spending a lot of time driving back here to sit in the McDonald's parking lot.
I decided to start Noom. It's the psychology based weight loss program. I tried it before but I did not stick with it. I'm doing ok logging meals, snacks not so much, and right now I'm meeting my step goals. Of course the step goal goes up every time you reach it. I'm not even through the first week, so I don't know how it's going to go. If I make it through the trial period this time, it's an eight month commitment.
I don't know if now was a good time to start it because of all the stress of work and moving and going back to school. With the pandemic, there's a new emphasis on taking care of your mental health in the app. I feel like it's a bit unfocused. Overall, I think I'm starting to make better choices because of it.
Hopefully next week I'll have more to talk about. I am hoping to get the socks done, but I don't know if that will actually happen.